Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Life Update - Weddings, Houses, and Snow Days!

Wow! It has been a hot minute since I made a post. Honestly, I don't think anyone knows about this blog or even looks at it anyways.. However it is a great outlet for me to write about things (even if it is only once every couple of years).

Where to even begin?! My last blog was in November of 2014 when I was in my last year of university. Since then I have graduated, started my career in the financial services industry, bought a house, gotten engaged, and have grown as a person substantially.

I graduated in May 2015 from UVIC and honestly haven't looked back. I am very grateful that I had the opportunity to pursue higher education however I do not miss the inherent stress that comes with university. Right after I graduated I accepted a job as a Financial Services Representative at TD. I also gained my Mutual Fund Licensing through TD Investment Services Inc. I left that job in October of 2016 and now I am a Financial Advisor at Island Savings, a division of First West Credit Union. So far, I absolutely love my job at Island Savings - my stress levels are way lower, the people are fantastic, the organization does a lot in the community, and overall I feel a lot more appreciated as a employee.

Looking back I'd have to say 2016 was one of the most exciting years to date. In January, Kenny and I got engaged (and now we are getting married in just over 3 months - eek!), in May we purchased our first home together (which we are in love with!) and then I switched jobs.

Another interesting thing that began in 2016 is that I have become a lot more interested in a vegan/plant-based lifestyle. I am not currently vegan and don't know if I ever will be but I certainly am interested in the idea of it and don't think it is as difficult as everyone thinks it can be (yes it does sound difficult and is certainly a big adjustment, I just don't know if it is that difficult). More and more I find myself opting for veggie options instead of ordering meat (especially if I am eating out) and I have to say I have noticed a difference in how I feel and how my body looks. I was never overweight at all (thanks to my fast metabolism, or so I think) however I do think eating more plant-based has caused me to slim down.

I definitely focus a lot more on health and wellness these days - not only on the outside but on the inside as well. I have done a few drop-in mediation classes and thoroughly enjoy it (although I haven't been in a few months - tsk tsk). I also have begun reading personal development books. I am currently reading Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert and honestly I think that is what has sparked me to take a look at this blog again.

Anyways, like I always say, I would like to start keeping this blog more up to date but I am not going to hold myself to any firm commitments otherwise that would seem like a chore and I would lose some of the fun of writing.

If there is anyone out there who stumbles upon this or actually reads my posts please post a comment or feel free to ask me a question!

I am going to continue enjoying this crazy snow day (this is the snowiest winter we have had in approximately the last 10 years) by relaxing, reading, cleaning, and maybe finishing up with a big mug of hot chocolate.

Have a magical day.

slkm, xx