Thursday, January 27, 2011

Enjoy it while it lasts!

Two exams down, two to go! Woooo, this morning started with me waking up at 6A.M. to get to school by 8:15 in order to write a Physics Provincial Exam. I'm still questioning whether it was worth signing up for a government exam that would be 40% of my mark instead of the class one that would only be worth about 20%..

Oh well, it's all written now. So anyways after finishing my exam I popped into the school to ask about my Biology class exam tomorrow (thank god I didn't sign up for this provincial too!), well it turns out my class mark right now is 92% and the exam is only worth 15% if I want it to be- so there's really no stress there. After talking to my Biology teacher I went to see my Math/Calculus teacher who informed me that I got 75% on the multiple choice final yesterday and that he still hadn't marked the written section.

Not bad at all, but honestly I thought I could have pulled off at least an A on that exam, seeing as I spent hours studying and am naturally good at Math. Let's just hope I did will on the written section and can still land in the 80's. 

So as of right now all I have to study for is French, which is also a provincial, and Biology. In my opinion French is fairly hard to study for because it's mostly reading & writing essays with some fill-in-the-blanks. As for Biology, I figure I'll review my notes a little that should be it for my studying. 

I can't wait for it to be 3P.M. tomorrow, I'll be all done exams and on my way to Parksville to spend the day at the beach with my boyfriend. Talk about the perfect ending to a stressful week! :)

slkm, xx

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