Thursday, February 24, 2011

One of those days..

So thinking that I had to work today I left school early so I wouldn't have to rush, turns out I work tomorrow instead of today. I was so shocked when I went into work, uniformed and everything, and found out that I had read wrong. The reason I was shocked is because this is extremely unusual for me (I have OCD remember?), because I very rarely forget things. Especially something of that magnitude. Oh well, good thing I didn't work today because now I can study for my Calculus test and get my homework done.

As for spinyoga yesterday, that didn't happen either. It started snowing a lot during lunchtime at school and Alexandra and I decided it was best to head home as soon as possible. The weather here is so off and on lately it's crazy! So hopefully I will have another opportunity to do spinyoga soon.

As for my life right now, things are calming down and picking up at the same time. It seems like I have a bunch of little projects that I want to get done and don't have enough time for but at the same time I'm finishing off a bunch of old projects and work as well. I guess you could say I'm a little stressed and emotional lately but I'm that within the week things will calm down. First step to de-stressing: my hour-long massage on Saturday morning.


slkm, xx

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