Sunday, March 4, 2012

In 3 words I can say what I've learned about life: it goes on

So I always forget I have this blog.. Even though no one reads it, it's kind of nice to just get everything out there and come back a year later and see how I was doing.

Anyways, not much has changed in my life lately, I'm still in school.. we have exactly one more month of classes until finals start! Eeek! School has been going good for me up until now so I hope I can stay on track until summer comes. As for summer, I hope to be working back at the grocery store that I used to work at. Things are looking good for that! 

Ohh, one exciting thing: I got a tattoo! I decided to get it over reading break and love it so much :) 

So anyways, I'm home for the weekend and thought I would check my blog out. I've learned a lot of things during my first year at university, but I would say that the most important thing that I've learned is not to make people your number one priority over yourself if they're not willing to do the same for you. This has happened to me twice during this school year, and I have come to the conclusion that I need to take some 'me' time and not focus on boys but to focus on getting good grades for the next couple months.

After that.... SUMMERTIME! And I could not be more excited!

slkm, xx

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