Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Live for yourself

Lately I've been having a hard time with doing things for myself. I constantly feel like I have to justify what I'm doing, for no good reason because it's not like anyone is interrogating me on what I've been up to. It's hard to explain but lately I just can't be happy just sitting around, I feel like I need to have plans all day everyday and then when I do just take the time to sit around I feel lazy. I even get grouchy on my days off work because sometimes I have nothing to do -- even though there is tons to do.

It's not like I don't do stuff on my time off but it's more like I don't feel like I've accomplished something unless I've actually hung out with someone or gone somewhere rather than stay home and read a book and take the dogs for a walk. Even though both are equally are productive. 

I guess this is just my way of figuring out who I really am. Growing hard is tough sometimes, and lately I feel like I've been getting to know myself much better and find what I like and don't like and not waste time on things I know I don't want to do. 

So in the meantime my solution is to find a hobby. Or multiple hobbies. Since summer started I've taken an interest in doing outdoor activities: hiking, biking, running.. but I would like to do something more creative. I think I may take up scrap-booking, or maybe photography or painting. I would also like to finally learn how to play the guitar. 

In the meantime I just need to stay positive and enjoy life, because I even though I get bored and grouchy sometimes.. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Carpe diem -- seize the day. 

slkm, xx

Sunday, June 3, 2012

I believe in fairytales

So I'm just writing now because I'm trying to keep up the habit of actually posting in this blog. Nothing new happened today, just worked from 7-3 (which is a very nice shift). And now I have 3 days off! Tomorrow I'm going to stretch and tone with Alexandra and then Tuesday we're going to rock climbing & a movie.

I'm super tired from being up since 5 this morning and have been vegging out since I got off work (lazy, I know). As for the Lake Days parade I reeeeally hope I can still be in it due to some shift changes (the store manager is kind of retarded at writing & putting up the schedule on time). 

Anyways, I'm off to veg out more on Netflix.

slkm, xx

(Moi, in all my Country Grocer glory).