Today was my first day off (besides when I left work early the other day) in about a week! For once, I can actually say I feel productive. This morning I got home, showered, took the dogs for a walk, and then began applying for my student loans. After this, I headed down to Wal-Mart and bought a bunch of groceries for my parents & applied for a new job. Once, I got home and unpacked all the groceries I made some banana bread (which is currently in the oven) - yum!
Normally, when I have a day off I can't find ways to keep myself busy very well so I either go out with friends or sulk around the house because I'm bored. So as cheesy as it sounds, I'm actually proud of myself today for finding meaningful things to do.
Another bonus for today? It's payday! Yay!
As for applying for jobs, I don't know what my plans are yet. I currently have a full time job at 40 hours per week until September. Once September hits I'm hoping to only work two days a week while I go back to school. I like my actual job but I just can't deal with the unreasonable management anymore - 3 years ago was a much different (better) story when we had people who actually knew how to manage. So here are my options: quit my job now and hope I find a new job, hopefully find a new job first and then quit my job right away, or stick it out until September.
I don't know which option I'm going to chose, but I do know if I get an offer for a job that sounds interesting to me I'm going to jump at it. Does this mean giving my work the courtesy of 2 weeks notice? Maybe not. But at this point I don't even think they deserve that respect.
Oh well, I can always hope that things turn around once the tourist season starts to wind down.
I'm off to enjoy the beautiful weather!
slkm, xoxo
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